Products / Services 2017-05-10T07:36:43+01:00

Products and Services

Conveyor belting is used in virtually any production environment and market segment.
Therefore Auto-tec has developed specific productgroups for many market segments. Experienced sales staff can advise you on the specifics of your product and process and offer a customized range of belt solutions.
To achieve the right choice, will take into account your process requirements and unique product features.

We can also make an inventory of your conveyors in which all process and conveyor belts are mapped. Including belt type, size, accessories and specific name or article numbering adapted to your system.
Following this survey, you will receive the detailed list along with (if necessary) corresponding food certificates so that you can provide all necessary information during an audit.

Belts ordered for your stock are well packed and clearly readable labeled with their particular description and possibly an order / article or other reference number …… this for the convenience of your technical department or warehouse management.

Since 2006 we also produce and supply the Techmaveyor belt bend conveyors (also known as curve belts or corner belts).

The segments where we mainly feature:

  • Vegetable and Fruit processing
  • Meat and Fish and Poultry processing
  • Bakery industry
  • Dairy and Cheese
  • Snacks
  • Sweets
  • Distribution and Packaging
  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Printers
  • Machine industry
  • Conveyors Food
  • LS2000 met meenemers
  • R70D Bochtbandtransporteur Bloemenlijn
  • Zijden band
  • Transportband golfrand
  • Transportband
  • Klein rubber blauw met ruit
  • Diverse banden
  • Volta Transportbanden
  • Bochtband-transporteurs
  • Auto Tec meeneemband
  • Volta Superdrive
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